Thursday, July 7, 2016


1.0       Introduction
1.1       Background to the Study
            All over the world, people and companies utilize advertising to a good advantage. In the keen competition encounter in world regional and local markets, businessmen are aided by the sales producing force of advertising. Not only that skillfully planned and directed advertising only at home, but also abroad overcome prejudice combat, foreign competition establish new habit, build good will creates employment, increase productivity, multiply sales and thus, lay a solid foundation for sustainable economic development of any country, one analysis contend that advertising is one of the most powerful socializing force in culture.

Advertising sells more than product. It sets image value, goods and concepts of who we are and who we should be. It shapes our attitudes and our attitudes shape our behaviour. Ahunaya (2004).
Advertising power goes beyond the selling of goods; it promotes a consumer life-style, a global culture that centres on material things. A television commercial normally says “and now a few words from our sponsors”. Sponsors are companies or individuals that pay to have their product advertised, while the “few words our sponsor” have become a deluge sponsor still financially support the newspaper and radio.
According to the Encyclopedia, Americana (2004). Advertising began around 3200 BC. When the Egyptian stenciled inscription the names of kings on the temple being built. Later they wrote runaway slave enouncement on papyrus – sign boards were placed outside doors in Greece and Egypt around 1500 B.C. Perhaps the most important event in history of advertising was the printing of the Gutenberg Bible about 1450 to 1455 – the first time that western man used the principle of moveable type. In about 1477 in London, the first printed advertisement in English announced a prayer book sale. The first newspaper advertisement appeared on the back paper of in London newspaper in 1625. The easily town crier was also a “medium of advertising.
Advertising has since been seen to help in economic development in ways of creating Jobs, sponsoring sports, and the art helps to provide affordable media which encourages competition, improves product, keep price low and enable people to make informed buying choices Eluwal (2005).      
            The impact of advertising does not stop at the economy but also has influenced the youths greatly by sensitization, social interaction, modification and other wise. Therefore, the researcher is using Osun State Polytechnic, Iree, students as a case study. Advertising makes students too materialistic. Advertising affects their value system because it suggests to them that the means to a happier life is the acquisition of more things. It encourages students to go for costly material like automobiles, clothes, mobile phones, electrical/electronic appliances and also expensive fashionable beauty materials, [Baran:390].
Advertising has influence students of Osun State Polytechnic, Iree by making them materialistic, it affects their value system, makes them think that life is just about acquisition of more things instead of spiritual or intellectual enlightenment in the following ways:
v  Advertising makes students change products not minding the effect of that products on them (cosmetic and drinks).
v  It shapes students tastes, habits and customers.
v  It suggests that consumer can enjoy more nourishes foods, more attractive clothes more confer table homes.
v  Advertising creates in students liking and preference for a product.
v  Advertising stimulates thought about a new product to its consumers.
v  Advertising makes sure that all information about product is communicated to it consumer (feature, location of sale).
v  Advertising with its persuasive nature, builds brand preference and loyalty in it consumers. Ozoh [1998:13
v  Also, students because of advertising are restless and dissatisfied with what they have nurturing and creating endless desired.
A researcher, Alan in his write up says that “Advertisement like our age, are material, hedonistic image management, and fashion driven, they glorify the individual, idealize consumption as the route to personal fulfillment and affirm technological progress as the motive force of destiny”. Eluwa (2005:44).

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